Thursday, April 26, 2012

Journal 7-PLN

Personal Learning Network also known as a (PLN) is a collection of information and contacts that can be used to expand and help a young teacher’s methods. There are many different ways a PLN can be built. Some of the technology incorporated in my PLN were found on such web sites named; Twitter, Diigo, The Educator's PLN, and Classroom 2.0. As a teacher I will benefit from having a PLN because these tools will allow me to access helpful information from more experienced teaching professionals. My PLN will also allow me to share my work or useful resources that I come across with other teachers.

 1. Twitter

People I follow:

Deaf Action @DeafAction they (are a deaf-led registered charity established in 1835, we provide services to deaf, deafened, deafblind and hard of hearing and to those who work with them.) I am following them because I want to incorporate American Sing Langue into my classes.

Special Education @Education_IEP they are(Special Education resources for SPED teachers and parents of special needs children with learning disabilities like ADHD, Autism, Aspergers, Dyslexia etc.) I am following them because I want to be a special ed. teacher and they have good advice and support systems that are easy to follow.

Jeffery Heil @jheil65 (Tech resource teacher for SDCOE & adjunct professor @ CSUSM. I have a passion for technology integration in schools, reflective teaching & educational equity!) I follow him not only because I need to but because he has many great post and information and he sends out tweets on the regular.

 The Good Men Project @GoodMenProject (We're starting a conversation about what it means to be a good man. Want to join us?) I am following this group because they give out great information on many different topics that include technology to teachers.

Teacher Tools @teachtools (We tweet about innovative new teacher tools. Be sure to message us suggestions!) I am following them because I they posted about how teachers can use Pinterest in the classroom. I personally love Pinterest and they come up with fun activities for students.

 ED Chat:
The chat that I followed was for kindergarten teachers. It was called #Kinderchat the topic for April 9, 2012 at 6:00 pm was "Creating Environments that Encourage Imaginative Play". The first 30 minutes of the chat was everyone saying hi and introduced each other and talking about spring break. Once the chat began the topic of how much free times is given in class for free play was discussed. Also, the topic of guns, wrestling and, creativity was discussed. I did not join in the conversations however one teacher shard how in her class no one plays with pretend guns or wrestles because they all know the rules. I found this hard to believe and I was surprised that this did not spark a confection. In fact, it seems that the teachers just ignored the comment and kept on chatting. It was interesting and I think if I was in a better chat this could be a helpful tool in the future.

 2. Diigo 

One -This website not only shows class projects that you can do but also shows research, store locator and, saves your own projects.

Two -This website is great it will even save your own Lesson plans that you make. It also gives you other teachers lesson plans and will give you info about how much the students like or disliked the project or activity. It also has a wide range of age groups so it can be used for all teachers.

Three -This website gives you tools on how to use audio, images, drawing, graphing, mapping and, research tools that will be helpful in the classroom.

Four -This video tells about how schools need to change in the same ways that society has changed.

Five -This is great for all teachers it gives thousands of free lessons plans for all grade leaves and subject areas. It also shows projects and jobs.

 3. Digital Discussion Forums(Ning)

The World Has Change…Have Our Schools? Josh Stumpenhorst @stumpteacher,

In this Video Josh gives not only information to teachers about how to use technology in the classroom he also gives examples of why classrooms need to changes and technology needs to be used. Josh shares what student motivations are and what works for example, video games, smartphones, working together (Hole in the Wall), relationship building and, choice. He also shares how students become unmotivated by punishment, unfair companion in the classroom and, grades. In this video Josh explains how different technologies have helped him forum his class into what it is today. He used examples such as Prize, Smart board, word cloud, Iste, twitter, Skyp, blogging and social media should have a place in the classroom.

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